You should add the ability to display photos in the chatbot. Firstly, displaying images can provide a visual aid for users to better understand the conversation or the topic being discussed. For example, if a user is asking about a particular object or location, images can help to clarify what is being discussed and provide further context.
Secondly, displaying images can enhance the user experience by making the conversation more interactive and engaging. By providing visual stimuli, users may be more likely to stay engaged with the conversation and continue exploring various topics with the chatbot.
Finally, image display can be useful for educational or informational purposes. For example, a chatbot designed to teach users about art or history would benefit greatly from being able to display images of relevant paintings or artifacts, allowing users to better understand and appreciate what is being taught.
In conclusion, while it is up to individual developers and companies to decide whether or not to include image display as a feature for their chatbots, there are several potential benefits to doing so. By providing visual aids, enhancing user engagement, and aiding in education and information sharing, image display could be a valuable addition to a chatbot's capabilities.