custom agents were DELETED!!!
Jim Reekes
This morning I return to and I get a "you have been blocked" message. Something about suspicious activity from my IP? Huh? Impossible. This looked like the generic message from CloudFlare.
After a few attempts I get past that, only to find all of my chat history is gone.
Then all of the saved agents I've created are gone!
Worse yet, the custom agents I created and finely tuned are ALL GONE!!! That was many hours of work, writing and tuning those agents! That work is now lost?!! This is a SERIOUS bug. I don't have a way to recover all that challenging work.
I can't trust ?
error # c0_89c164bd-d718-4450-8ac2-510c6d2ab59e|b5813251-7246-4d9d-8c6c-d7f30905709a|2024-12-25T17:09:10.914Z
Jim Reekes
today it looks like this
Jim Reekes
Today, my custom agents cycles between "you have no custom agents" to blank agents, and then sometimes restores them.
What is also cycling is my chat history. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's missing.
Jim Reekes
back to this error: "Sorry, you have been blocked. You are unable to access"
Jim Reekes
Custom agents are still blank, occasionally it says "You haven’t created any Agents yet."
All of my chat history is gone.
Jim Reekes
Back to problems. Attempting to open my agents presents me this message. "Sorry, you have been blocked. You are unable to access". That's coming from CloudFlare.
After several refreshes I can get to the page, but there's no agents. Half the time I get "You haven’t created any Agents yet" and the other times I get blank slots where I once had an agent.
Giving up on custom agents, I return to my home page at and it display a page with no history. All my chat history is gone.
Jim Reekes
after several hours and countless log in/out cycles, and browser refreshes, I can see my custom agents again, and my missing chats