This morning I return to and I get a "you have been blocked" message. Something about suspicious activity from my IP? Huh? Impossible. This looked like the generic message from CloudFlare.
After a few attempts I get past that, only to find all of my chat history is gone.
Then all of the saved agents I've created are gone!
Worse yet, the custom agents I created and finely tuned are ALL GONE!!! That was many hours of work, writing and tuning those agents! That work is now lost?!! This is a SERIOUS bug. I don't have a way to recover all that challenging work.
I can't trust ?
error # c0_89c164bd-d718-4450-8ac2-510c6d2ab59e|b5813251-7246-4d9d-8c6c-d7f30905709a|2024-12-25T17:09:10.914Z