Increase the limit of files we can upload
under review
Mihai Damaschin
I'm on the team plan. And it seems that while the "Megabytes" were extended all the way up to a generous 50MB, the "file limit" is still quite low.
20 to be exact. I find that odd because a lot of my use cases are "Numerous files with not a lot of context".
Let's say for programming questions, a lot of the times you try to separate multiple variables, classes, methods in different files.
As such a lot of files have basically 20 lines of code each, which is not a lot of context, but the 0/20 makes it difficult and to simulate my use case I need as I need to basically "Merge the context in" to several big huge files.
Wynn Davis
My suggestion would be to simply give you as many files as you need up to the 50 mb size or whatever megabytes size you can allow it to be. I do agree that with programming you may have numerous amounts of file numbers with small sizes and this makes it difficult if you have a small file number size that say I may have 30 files it only adds up to 8 MB but that would not be allowed.
Jared Bender
I totally agree with Wynn Davis on this. As many files as needed until the max limit by size would be game changing!!
Joel Midden
under review
Joel Midden
Hi there,
Thanks for your feedback. Are you able to elaborate on how many files would feel like an appropriate limit for the use cases you have outlined?