Organize Chats into Folders / Categories / Sections
in progress
Sami (from
Hey everyone, we've shipped Favorites several months ago as a way to help improve thread organization and navigation. How is that working to address the issue here? Let me know.
FYI we also have Projects coming soon, which will allow further thread organization.
Bill Murray
Sami (from I have to go through and delete everything because I cannot organize anything. If you cannot organize multiple conversations into folders (buckets, whatever), then favorites doesn't do anything but make it more confusing :(
Charles K
Sami (from It is the same problem - if you have more than a few favorites the list is unmanageable. Favorites is not an organization mechanism. Favorites is just a way to pin frequently used items to make them easily accessible. This is very different than the request for folder or other meaningful organizational structure. Projects may resolve the issue for me. Hopefully it will be soon. I do end up using other chat solutions since output refuses to generate good markdown even when explicitly connected. Those solutions are ahead of as far as organization (and markdown support).
Jim Reekes
Sami (from Favorites? I didn't notice it. My chat threads are a mess and I did look for a way to clean it up. Nothing there. I can't delete everything to clear up the chat threads, because it means a LOT of clicking. There should be a way to select multiple threads and delete or move into a folder.
I think this feature request is still MIA. Favorites doesn't work. Who asked for that?
Sami (from It's better than nothing, but it's still an imperfect solution.
Jared Bender
Sami (from the favorites feature is a great start. I look forward to the projects feature coming out soon. Just having a better way to organize everything is what I'm looking for.
Sami (from
I really appreciate all of the feedback here, thank you. What would an ideal solution for this particular issue be, in your opinions?
Darrell Moore
Sami (from, I agree about favorites—overusing them muddies their purpose and wraps back around to the same problem.
I propose you let us pin a few custom agents instead of endless favoriting, on top of folders for organization later on. An agent remembers context and chats with it. It could “act” as a folder.
Sami (from Hey there! Favorites is a cool start for organizing threads—love the simplicity! It feels perfect for frequently used current items, but with over 10 chats I’d like to sort, just one folder (that I can’t rename) feels a bit limiting.
To me,
Favorites: Quick, simple, and singular—best for a small set of go-to items.
Folders: Rigid, exclusive, and named—best for clear-cut, large-scale organization.
Labels: Flexible, overlapping, and searchable—best for complex or fluid categorization.
Projects: Goal-oriented, customizable collections—best for grouping chats around specific tasks or themes with added context. (e.g. "Website Redesign", "Client X Campaign")
Super excited for Projects though—sounds like it’ll give us more room to customize and organize.
Icke Hier
Sami (from
Hi, Favorites are nice, and the search at least works, but folders would make both barely necessary. A simple Folder Strukture, especially if it allows for subfolders, would suffice most organizational needs.
If you would want to go further, a tagging feature to allow multiple tags per chat, would take care of the rest, I think.
Stefan Hollands
Yes, I would like all of this, please. With hundreds of chats to manage, it’s essential that I have a robust customer interface to store, search, and retrieve my articles efficiently. Additionally, I want the capability to tag these conversations by different subjects and projects.
Mohammad-Ali Abidi
Thank you really need this
Sami (from
Stay tuned folks, we're shipping something in January that will help address this �
Tags for smart folders.
Sami (from
Merged in a post:
folder grouping & pre context ai prompt with # tags. allowing both (non) hierarchical linking.
Rexx DZN
here is the idea.
- having the ability to have folder, thus allowing to group chats for more organization purposes.
- having tags, with a 'tag' studio. which allows to add pre context ai prompt for chats that are started with such tag. thus this also can be a way to interlink multiple chats from different folder. thus the grouping structure being hierarchical isn't a must.
- for tags ofc have search feature to allow to search through chats having one tag or multiple. This can be done via queries. AND, OR, NOT.
Sami (from
in progress
Sami (from
under review